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What Makes a Loss "Bad"?

April 07, 2003
 The season is almost over and unfortunately, it doesn't look like the Knicks will make the playoffs.  With 5 games to go, the tragic number for the Knicks is down to one.  This means if the Bucks win one more game, or the Knicks lose one more game, the playoff hopes are over.

 So, it's time to look back at the season.  In order to assess the Knicks, it is important to look back at last year, and then chart the progress they made.  Remember the frustrating double digit blown leads?  Remember how many games the Knicks just didn't show up?  Remember how many times we got blown off the court?  Remember how many times we lost to sub-par teams?  If you remember all of those things, it is nearly impossible to say this season hasn't been an improvement.  To date, the Knicks have won four more games than last season. They have a chance to win 39 games, only 2 games below the .500 mark.

 Additionally, the Knicks have come up with some big wins.  We beat the Nets, Sixers, Magic, Wizards, Pistons, Pacers, Hornets, Bucks, Spurs, Jazz, Rockets, Kings, Lakers, and Suns.  All of those teams except for the Wizards and Bucks are over .500, and all teams listed are in playoff contention.  How can a team who wins these games be bad?  On the other hand, the Knicks have lost to the Heat, Bulls, Hawks, Raptors, Grizzlies, Warriors, Clippers, and Seattle.  How can a team that loses these games be good?  You the facts show the Knicks are competitive and inconsistent.  Good teams are competitive and show up with the same intensity every night.  

 However, in my opinion, it is not fair to label a loss "bad" just because it was against a team below .500.  In actuality, the Knicks should have trouble defeating the Bulls, Hawks, Grizzlies, Warriors, and Clippers.  Each of these cellar dweller teams have what the Knicks so badly want.  They have an athletic, young big man who knows how to play the game.  Who is supposed to defend, Stromile Swift, Elton Brand, Abur-Rahim, Tyson Chandler, or Eddy Curry. These sub-par teams have exposed and exploited the Knicks main problem.  In reality, the Knicks match up better against most playoff contending teams that than do against the poor teams of the NBA.  

 Now, I am not saying the Knicks haven't lost some games they should have won.  The Knicks blew a 6 point lead in the last minute of a game against Miami.  There is no excuse for that.  All I am saying is Knick wins and losses shouldn't be judged by who they played, but rather by the lineup of the other team.  Of course, a lack of size can't always be the Knicks excuse.  They must address this problem soon, or the franchise will go head first downhill.  Knick fans should keep in mind that the Knicks are in a difficult situation.  They have a unique lineup that is ineffective against youth, tall, athletic teams.  That is a serious flaw, but I am sure it will be addresses this off season.  For now, hold your heads on the fact that the Knicks have exceeded all expectations for the season.  Next year will be a whole different story.

by jay@knicksonline.tk

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